When you purchase time on our system, a server is created from scratch that is unique to you.
The servers have a single purpose; to run the Jamulus server client. All other ports and services are either disabled or removed entirely.
The IP address for your server is ephemeral, so that no one can ‘stumble’ into your booking unless you’ve shared this with them explicitly.
Your sessions are not recorded unless you explicitly purchase this option. If you do choose to save a recording of your session, after it has ended, contact us and we’ll email you a link to download the files securely. 24 hours after your session is ended the session is deleted permanently and cannot be recovered. We do not hold or share your recordings with anyone and never will.
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Melomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
Zaid CroweMelomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
ReneeMelomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
Zaid CroweMelomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
Peter van Lonkhuijsen