Getting Ready For Your Online Jam

Jamulus works best with an ethernet connection (links to buy cable) and as little else happening on your internet connection as possible.

These instructions will be emailed to you after booking an online Jamulus jam with us, and this will include a unique server address just for you.

Each participant in your session will need to carry out the steps below so please forward these instructions to them!


Basic Setup

  1. Download and install the Jamulus desktop client from here. To maximise compatibility, only use the version provided by us.
  2. Turn all WiFi devices off; the simplest way to do this is disable WiFi on your router. Failing that, turn off anything that connects to WiFi, or enable airplane mode.
  3. On the PC or mac you will be using for your Jam, make sure that all web browsers, and apps like Drop Box or Google drive are quit in the background.
  4. Start the Jamulus app.
  5. Click settings.
  6. Under the Soundcard section, select devices, and set the input and output to your audio interface.
  7. Plug your microphone or instrument directly into your audio interface, and set the input gain as you normally would.
  8. IMPORTANT, make sure that any form of direct monitoring is switched off – at this point you should see metering on your interface, but not be hearing anything
  9. Next, close the settings tabs in Jamulus, and then click ‘Connect’
  10. In the ‘Server Name/Address’ field enter your custom server address (sent after booking), and click connect
  11. Carefully begin to raise the volume control of your audio interface, while playing you instrument or singing. It’s highly advisable to do this while wearing headphones if you are using a microphone to mitigate feedback.
  12. What you are hearing back should give you a good impression of the latency/lag that your system is producing, if the above instructions have been followed you should find this negligible.
  13. To further reduce latency try:
    1. In the Jamulus client, under settings, tick ‘Enable Small Network Buffer’
    2. Select 2.67ms
    3. Under ‘misc’ try ‘mono-in, stereo out’ – this doesn’t always help, but is worth a go!

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