We are delighted to announce a brand new feature, coming soon, and available NOW (for FREE!) to our control room users; Virtual Jamulus Rooms. The virtual room feature facilitates: Backstage areas for live broadcasts Classrooms for educational purposes Sectionals for
We are excited to let you know about a recent update to the technology that powers Melomax virtual rehearsal studios. Melomax is built on the Jamulus platform which is free open-source software, first released by Volker Fischer. This software is
One of Jamulus’ most powerful features is the ability to record multitrack audio of all the participants connected to the server. Before understanding why we built the Melomax Jamulus recording manager, it’s important to understand how recording with Jamulus works.
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Melomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
Zaid CroweMelomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
ReneeMelomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
Zaid CroweMelomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
Peter van Lonkhuijsen