Where Is My Server Address? Once you’ve booked a jam session you’ll receive a booking confirmation email, following this will be a separate email containing your unique server URL. How Do I Connect Using My Private Server Address? Open Jamulus
We often get asked, ‘Why do I have to make a booking to try Melomax? I want to try it right now!’. The answer is both simple and complex, but in essence, boils down to a few key factors.
The last 12 months have been tough for musicians… Exempt from Government support in lots of cases, without the opportunity to play live and in some cases without the opportunity to even meet up in person it’s been a tough
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Melomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
Zaid CroweMelomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
ReneeMelomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
Zaid CroweMelomax Control Room – Private Jamulus Servers on Demand
Peter van Lonkhuijsen