We often get asked, ‘Why do I have to make a booking to try Melomax? I want to try it right now!’.

The answer is both simple and complex, but in essence, boils down to a few key factors.


  1. Size Matters.
  2. Good Compute Resource Is finite.
  3. Finding the right data centre location for you.
  4. Time To Prepare.
  5. How To Get Access To A Server On Demand.

Size Matters

We host everything from duos to forty-five+ piece ensembles. The computing needs of this spectrum vary wildly.

Making sure we have the resource to service our existing control room users is an absolute priority. We also want to make sure that new users get the best service and opportunity to make Jamulus work for them as possible.

Finally, we need to protect ourselves when our resource is being consumed, but not used; that means signing up and starting servers but never actually connecting or using them. There is little we can do to pre-empt this, other than asking nicely to respect our resource.

Good Compute Resource Is Finite

You cannot create an infinite number of servers on any cloud hosting platform.

Different providers in different locations enforce a plethora of precautions to ensure that their resources aren’t wasted or abused.

By using a booking system, we can plan for peaks in use and ensure we have enough resource at any given time, in any given location.

As our platform grows, this should allow us to secure more guaranteed compute resource and reduce the booking notice period.

Finding The Right Data Centre For You

One of the many factors that can impact latency and jitter while using Jamulus is the path between you and a server.

Merely choosing a hosting provider based on its geography may not be sufficient!

Many of our Jamulus Server Locations are serviced by multiple data centres, which means that we may be able to provide you with several private servers to choose from so you can optimise your experience. It also means that if network traffic starts to back up around one network providers hotspot, we can re-route you to another server by a different provider in the same vicinity.

Time to prepare

Switching a server on and ‘just jamming’ isn’t a realistic expectation when playing music online, mainly if you are part of a larger group.

While you might be a forward thinker that’s tech-fearless, it’s infrequent that an entire ensemble thinks the same way and has the same technical ability. As a beginner, Jamulus isn’t a plug and play experience. You need to ensure you have the appropriate hardware, and that it’s configured properly.

As well as this, you may well need to schedule some time where members of your household can afford you a window to use your internet connection uninterrupted. This can be a big ask!

How To Access A Server And Jam On-Demand

Once you’ve established that one of our server locations is working well for you, you’ll be offered (or can request access) access to our self-serve portal called ‘Control Room’.

Control Room is a web browser based application where you can login and turn on multiple servers in multiple locations as well as control the recording functions built into Jamulus.

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